When restoration and repair methods fail, the only option is Roof Replacement Sunshine Coast. If you own an older home, especially one dating back to the 1800s, a new roof can increase the value of your home, as well as increase the street appeal and structural integrity. You can choose a variety of materials for your new roof, including metal, clay tile, and corrugated iron. Below is a breakdown of these materials. Read on to learn more about their benefits and characteristics.
Asbestos roof removal
If your home was built before the early 1980s, it is very likely that it contains asbestos cement products. The most common form of asbestos roofing is corrugated fibrocement sheeting. Asbestos roofs are thicker than corrugated iron, and tend to weather very quickly. This is why you need an asbestos roof removal company to ensure that the asbestos-containing roofing material is removed from your Sunshine Coast home safely.
Metal roofs
If you want to install a new roof, consider a metal one. Metal roofs are highly durable, and they will not break in harsh weather conditions. These roofs are also more durable and easier to maintain than other types of roofing. They also add value to a home. Find out more about the benefits of metal roofing before you make the decision. Listed below are some of the benefits of metal roofs.
Terracotta / tile roofs
Although the look of terracotta / tile roofs is appealing, they are not impervious to algae, mould, or chipping. This is because terracotta is porous, and it tends to be less resistant to the elements than other ceramic tiles. Also, the ridge cappings tend to break down or break, compromising the strength of the tiles. BD Betterflow Roof Restorations can help maintain your terracotta or tile roof on a Sunshine Coast property.
Corrugated iron roofs
The sunshine coast’s weather and climate make the corrugated iron roof an attractive choice for many homes and businesses. This metal roofing material is high tensile and has an attractive 16mm profile. It is available in twenty different colours including Colourbond and Zincalume. It also comes with a full range of fixing screws. In addition to the many benefits of this material, there are also several other advantages of this type of roof.
Curved sheet roofs
One of the most attractive types of curved sheet roofs is the barrel volt style, which has been around since the 1980s, but never really caught on with the mainstream housing industry. Sunshine Coast roof replacement experts have revived this unique style in order to give local homeowners more options when it comes to roofing. This design consists of multiple levels, each one forming a unique roof profile. The new roof features complementary caps, coverings, guttering, and other roofing details.
Flat roofs
One of the most important aspects of having a flat roof is the maintenance. Lack of maintenance can lead to leaks and damaged flat roof surfaces. Gravel, leaves, and other debris can clog the drainage channels on your roof. These obstructions can increase the water pressure head on your roof. The deeper the water is, the more pressure it exerts on the roof. This will then push the water down into the smallest holes, which can break up the roof surface. Regular maintenance is essential to protect your flat roof from excessive damage and costly repairs.